[ace-users] linux version requirement for ACE

Matthew Gillen mgillen at bbn.com
Thu Oct 4 12:18:24 CDT 2007

richard zhao wrote:
> Hello,
> could somebody tell me is there any version requirement for linux if I
> compile, install and run ACE?
> thanks a lot in advance.

Typically the thing that matters most is the version of gcc.  Other things
like the kernel version don't affect ACE directly.

You can browse the scoreboard:
to see some of the version combinations that are currently supported.

As a general rule, if you've got a cutting-edge version of gcc, you probably
need a recent release of ACE.  Alternatively, if your gcc is really old
(pre-3.0), others on the list might have better info on what's currently

If you post the distro and version that you're considering, you could probably
get a more accurate answer to your question.


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