[Ace-users] Re: [ciao-users] Quickly building CIAO

Sowayan, Abdullah (N-DUA) abdullah.sowayan at lmco.com
Thu Sep 27 09:27:41 CDT 2007


If you look at $CIAO_ROOT\CIAO-INSTALL.html, you'll find the following:

"Building CIAO quickly : You can build CIAO quickly by doing the
Remove all the GNUmakefiles or project files that are shipped with the
Open up $CIAO_ROOT/CIAO_TAO.mwc . 
Run $ACE_ROOT/bin/mwc.pl CIAO_TAO.mwc -type gnuace from $CIAO_ROOT . 
Type 'make' 
This will build all the required ACE+TAO libraries including CIAO
libraries and tools."

Doing this builds the required parts of ACE and TAO for you. On my
system, it takes nearly 30 minutes.


From: ciao-users-bounces at cse.wustl.edu
[mailto:ciao-users-bounces at cse.wustl.edu] On Behalf Of Alessio Pace
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:05 AM
To: CIAO Users Mailing List
Subject: [ciao-users] Quickly building CIAO


I'm retrying after some time to build CIAO. I downloaded the
ACE+TAO+CIAO-5.6.1 distribution.

My environment is Linux, gcc-4.1.2

So, I assume I have to build ACE, then TAO, then CIAO. At least, the
documentation page of CIAO seems to guide towards these steps: 
"Compiling ACE+TAO successfully is the first requirement for compiling

So, from the building TAO page:

Set ACE_ROOT environment variable as outlined in the ACE installation
Build and install ACE under $ACE_ROOT.
Change directory to $ACE_ROOT/ace and execute make.

Perfect, I went into ACE_ROOT/ace, typed make (this is what is written
to be done):

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/puccio/CCM/ACE_wrappers/ace' 
: /home/puccio/CCM/ACE_wrappers/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU:
No such file or directory 
touch .depend.ACE

I think the documentation should either be conformant with what happens
when you execute the commands or should be removed. 

Thanks in advance for any further documentation links or building
Alessio Pace. 

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