[Ace-users] [tao-users] How to set different message timeout policies for different calls

Chris Cleeland cleeland at ociweb.com
Wed Feb 13 14:05:17 CST 2008

Adam and Abdullah both answered your general question quite  
completely, but neither addressed this specific question.

On Feb 13, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Keith Nicewarner wrote:

> Or is there a better way to specify a per-method timeout value?

You cannot have timeout values specific to different methods.  The  
finest granularity for specifying a timeout is down to the object  
reference level.

If you need different timeout values for different methods to the same  
CORBA Object, you'll need to use _set_policy_overrides() to obtain  
distinct references to that CORBA Object for each distinct timeout,  
and be sure that an invocation that needs to timeout is made through  
the correct reference.

Chris Cleeland, Principal Software Engineer
http://www.theaceorb.com AND http://www.ociweb.com

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