[Ace-users] [ace-users] Subject: Proactor: Linux proactor always returns errno 14 (Bad Address) with UDP socket

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Feb 21 19:58:47 CST 2008

Hi Fernando,

>ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Read_Dgram_Result::complete (...) and
>ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Write_Dgram_Result::complete (...) also needed to be
>updated so as to move the pointers in the message block when we read/
>send bytes asynchronously.
>I will continue posting here all changes I make locally... I have no
>clue how to update the actual ACE distribution code or what is the
>process on submitting bug fixes.

Pleaes see


for information on how to submit fixes.  The ACE_POSIX_Asynch stuff is
old and not widely tested - largely because async I/O on POSIX
OS platforms hasn't been very stable historically.  If you can help
improve this stuff it would be great.  If you have any question about
the process after reading that webpage please let us know.



Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt                       Professor and Associate Chair
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  TEL: (615) 343-8197
Vanderbilt University                        WEB: www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt
Nashville, TN 37203                          NET: d.schmidt at vanderbilt.edu

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