[Ace-users] [tao-bugs] Multicast: Simple test fails when run on different Linux machines

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Jan 31 22:26:08 CST 2008

Hi Kenton,

   Thanks very much for using the PRF.

> TAO VERSION: 1.4.8
>     ACE VERSION: 5.4.8

Please upgrade to ACE+TAO+CIAO x.6.2 (i.e., ACE 5.6.2, TAO 1.6.2, and
CIAO 0.6.2), which you can download from


under the heading: "Latest Beta Kit."

The DOC groups at Washington University, UC Irvine, and Vanderbilt
University only provide "best effort" support for non-sponsors for the
latest release, as described in


Thus, if you need more "predictable" help for earlier versions of
ACE+TAO, I recommend that you check out


for a list of companies that will provide you with ACE+TAO commercial



>     HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM: RedHat Linux 3.2.3-20
>     TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST: RedHat Linux 3.2.3-20
>     THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h FILE: Link to ace/config-linux-common.h
>     THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU FILE: platform_linux.GNU (v 4.72)
>     CONTENTS OF $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features: No default.features file found
>     AREA/CLASS/EXAMPLE AFFECTED: Simple Multicast example - $ACE_ROOT/TAO/orbsvcs/tests/Miop/McastHello
>         COMPILATION? No
>         LINKING? No
>         EXECUTION? Yes
>         OTHER (please specify)?
>     SYNOPSIS: When client and server(s) run on different machines, cannot consecutively execute the test and make it work
>     DESCRIPTION: I have two RedHat Linux machines. One one, I execute two server programs that listen for messages coming
>                  in on a Multicast IP Address. On the other Linux machine, I execute a client program that sends messages
>                  to the same Multicast IP Address that the servers are listening on. The first time I run the test, it
> works
>                  fine (both servers receive all three messages, their ORBs shutdown, etc.). If I run the test again (i.e.
> re-start
>                  the two servers, re-start the client, using the same Multicast IP Address), the servers never receive any
> messages
>                  (they keep running and listening for Multicasted messages).
>     REPEAT BY: Run the applications on two different machines (the example script is written to execute both client and
> servers
>                on the same machine)
>     SAMPLE FIX/WORKAROUND: If the Multicast IP Address is changed in between consecutive runs of the test, the servers will
>                            receive all three messages. Each time a test is run, if the Multicast IP Address is changed, the
>                            test will work; if the same Multicast IP Address is re-used, the test fails. It's almost as if
>                            a Multicast IP Address "expires" once it is used.
> Kenny Waller
> Systems Engineer Sr
> Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control at MEADS International
> (407) 356-8458
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