[ace-users] Regarding ACE Activate method.

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Mon Jan 4 10:41:11 CST 2016

Hi Anil,

> This is Anil from India, Sorry Sir for disturbing you. Could you please try
> reply to my query if you find little time from you tight schedule.

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> I have come across one problem using thread activation using ACE library.  In
> one of our old application, below design was followed
> class Trapds : public ACE_Task_Base {void open () { activate(); } /* some
> implementation */ }
> class Trapds_API : public Trapds { /* some implementation */ }
> activate() method was used in Trapds class to create thread.
> Now we need to extend the functionality, so that another thread should be
> created in similar fashion from child class (Trapds_API ).
> Could you please be kind answer, whether to create a thread in child class can
> we call activate method separately in Trapds_API class.
> class Trapds_API : public Trapds { void start () { activate();  /* some
> implementation */ }
> Best Regards,
> Anil

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