CIAO VERSION: 0.5.8<br>TAO VERSION : 1.5.8<br>ACE VERSION : 5.5.8<br><br>HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM:<br> i686 pc, SUSE linux Enterprise Server 9, Kernel 2.6.5<br><br>COMPILER NAME AND VERSION (AND PATCHLEVEL):<br>
gcc 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)<br><br>THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h FILE:<br> #include "config-linux.h"<br><br>THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU FILE :<br> include $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform-
linux.GNU<br><br>CONTENTS OF $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features<br> (used by MPC when you generate your own makefiles):<br> N/A<br><br>SYNOPSIS:<br>Is there a way to hide exception handling from users of CORBA stubs?
<br><br>DESCRIPTION:<br>In recent discussions the following question came up:<br>Is there a way in CORBA to use exception handlers, <br>meaning some hooks for handling CORBA system (or even user) exceptions.<br>This would allow to avoid try - catch blocks in CORBA client code
<br>and handle exceptions transparently for the CORBA client programmer.<br>Being able to do this would be of big advantage for implementing<br>frameworks based on CORBA, which then could have some standard way of<br>(client unaware) error handling and recovery.
<br><br>I know that this is possible using AMI, which must provide exception handlers<br>to decouple calls from replies. However I never heard of some part of the<br>CORBA specification which allows exception handlers for synchronous calls.
<br>Is there any way in TAO to hook into exception handling, or would it be possible<br>to integrate the AMI exception part into the synchronous call mechanism (maybe<br>using interceptors) without breaking something?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br>Friedhelm<br>