[cosmic-users] Trouble installing CoSMIC Beta 2

Aniruddha Gokhale gokhale at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Thu Nov 11 06:30:32 CST 2004

Hi Sam,

> I already installed GME 4.8.25 and am trying to install CoSMIC Beta 2.  
>  After the installation reports its registering modules the installation 
> rolls back changes and terminates.  I’m running this on a Compaq Pentium 
> 4 notebook, with Windows XP Home SP2.  Any ideas where to start 
> troubleshooting?

Yes, I experienced exactly the same behavior a few days back. Later, 
Kitty made available a new installer. The new one installed without any 
problems. Please give it a try and let us know.

You can find a link to the installer from



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