[cosmic-users] RE: No responce

Jeff Parsons parsons at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Mon Oct 31 10:09:32 CST 2005

HI Peter,
I'm not sure about the mailing list. I've CC'd this reply to the list -
I'll see if I get it.
(1) and (2) - Arvind, could you please take a look at this?
(3) Good idea - I'll suggest this to the rest of the interpreter
(4) I've just checked in a fix for this - it was due to a cut-and-paste
error from the
last round of changes to the IDL importer. Thanks for staying on the
case about it.


	From: Peter Oslej [mailto:peter.oslej at vrm.sk] 
	Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 7:44 AM
	To: Jeff Parsons
	Subject: No responce
	Hi Jeff,
	I am not sure if the cosmic-users-list is running well, because
I send several comments to the cosmic-users-list with
	no responce. And also no digests comming ...
	Here the problems are :
	I find following problems (possible bugs) in cosmic beta 0.4.6
	1.Generating mpc project from GME, all _stub projects has
missing library dependencies from "base_stub".
	Lets have a look in BasicSP example : in the BMClosedED_stub
project (in BMClosedED.mpc) should be generated additional line :
	2. The command line for tao_idl for BasicSP.idl in BasicSP_svnt
project is not generated correctly. After compilation of BasicSP.idl in
the BasicSP_svnt is not possible to link succefully. (In BasicSP_stub
project it is OK. )
	3.Recommendation : what about to remember the last saving path
in the Folder Browsing dialog in all generators ?
	4. I have a problem with importing xme file to the GME,
generated by tao_picml.exe (from ver. 0.4.6) from the attached
common.idl file. 
	I think the problem is with the following line : 

	typedef double ExcerciseTime;


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