[cosmic-users] Broken MSI package for CoSMIC 0.5.7 beta download?

Sumant Tambe sutambe at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Mon Jun 11 16:24:02 CDT 2007

Hi Friedhelm,

I would rather suggest you to use the CoSMIC 0.5.7 beta version as it 
has many more enhanced features than 0.4.8 version. People have 
installed it successfully in the past. I would be interested in knowing:

* Windows version including service pack
* version of GME, and
* whether you have administrator rights on your machine

I would take a look at how we can add a md5 checksum of the installer on 
the webpage.



Krishnakumar B wrote:
> Hi Friedhelm,
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:49:52 AM -0500, Friedhelm Wolf wrote:
>>Hi there,
>>I downloaded the file CoSMIC-Installer-0.5.7.msi from
>>http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/html/download.html, but when I tried
>>to execute this ms installer package, I got the following error message:
>>"This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application
>>to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."
>>Can you help me to get around this issue, or do you recommend to install
>>the stable version 0.4.8?
> What version of Windows are you using?  Do you have the latest updates to
> Windows installer?  Please make sure that you have Windows installer 3.1 or
> later.  I will ask Sumant to upload md5sum of the package on the web page
> which you can use to compare the file that you downloaded.
> -kitty.

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