[cosmic-users] Component Instance Deletion Problem

M Hayman mchus9999 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 14:00:36 CDT 2010

On all of the CoSMIC 0.8.2 installations we have there is a problem with
deleting components that have DDS4CCM extended ports on them.  I am curious
whether other users are having this problem as well.

Using the latest CoSMIC 0.8.2 official release with the x.8.2 release of
ACE+TAO+CIAO, the problem is easily reproduced by doing the following:

1) Rebuild the  DDS4CCM PICML Model Library for CoSMIC 0.8.2

> cd %CIAO_ROOT%
> idl_to_picml -x dds4ccm -r connectors\dds4ccm\idl
> copy /Y dds4ccm.xme connectors\dds4ccm\models

2) Create a PICML model for the Shapes tutorial in the ACE+TAO+CIAO baseline

> cd %CIAO_ROOT%\connectors\dds4ccm\tutorials\Shapes\Shapes_asm\Deployment\descriptors
> idl_to_picml -r "..\.." -x Shapes -I %CIAO_ROOT%\connectors\dds4ccm\idl -l %CIAO_ROOT%\connectors\dds4ccm\models\dds4ccm

3) Import the Shapes.xme model into CoSMIC, answering "Yes" to the
popup dialog question "Generate default implementation for imported

Having done these steps, if you create a new assembly (Shapes_asm)
under ComponentImplementations and drag out component instances onto
the new assembly diagram, if you select either the
Shapes_Sender_compImpl or the Shapes_Receiver_compImpl components from
the popup menu - they cannot be deleted from the diagram once
created/instantiated.  Both of these components have DDS4CCM extended
port types on them.  If you instantiate a Shapes_Control_compImpl
component, it CAN be deleted - presumably because it only has a basic
"uses" client port on it, plus some attributes, and no extended ports.
 Moreover, once an assembly has one of these undeletable component
instances on it, the assembly itself cannot be deleted either.

Just curious if anyone else is having/seeing this problem as well.

Mark Hayman
Northrop Grumman Corp.
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