[gme-users] Generation of popup window as a child in BONComponent2 plugin

Sanjib Das cnt.sanjib at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 1 02:34:09 CST 2014

Dear Concern,

I am trying to build a GME component, which requires a list popup like
"Select Connection Role Type". I found "Select Connection Role" is
implemented in MgaResolver.cpp. by including Dialoglist.h.

And also in TabelEditor plugin this whole popup window is implemented in
RawCompnent.cpp including GridDlg.h

In my plugin I have extended CDialog class to generate a pop up. The
extended Class is using constructors as bellow::

CAddOnDlg(CWnd* dlgParent=NULL);
    CAddOnDlg(IMgaProject *project, IMgaFCO *currentobj, IMgaFCOs
*selectedobjs, CWnd* dlgParent=NULL)

Which are adopted and modified from Dialoglist.h

I have been using the following code for popup::

void CAddOnDlg::demo(){
        using namespace GMEConsole;
        CComBSTR projname;
        CComBSTR focusname = "<nothing>";
        CComPtr<IMgaTerritory> terr;
        Console::Out::WriteLine("Debug point 1");
        /*if( FAILED(d_project->CreateTerritory(NULL, &terr)) ) {
            ASSERT(("COMTHROW: Throwing HRESULT exception. Press IGNORE",
            throw d_project->CreateTerritory(NULL, &terr);
        if( FAILED(d_project->BeginTransaction(terr)) ) {
            ASSERT(("COMTHROW: Throwing HRESULT exception. Press IGNORE",
            throw d_project->BeginTransaction(terr);
        //COMTHROW(d_project->CreateTerritory(NULL, &terr));
        Console::Out::WriteLine("it's connection");
            Console::Out::WriteLine("inside try");

            CAddOnDlg p_dlg=new CAddOnDlg;

            /*CAddOnDlg *p_dlg=new CAddOnDlg(NULL);
            Console::Out::WriteLine("after object creation");*/


            //    /*if( FAILED(d_project->AbortTransaction()) ) {
            //        ASSERT(("COMTHROW: Throwing HRESULT exception. Press
IGNORE", false));
            //        throw d_project->AbortTransaction();
            //    }*/
            //    //COMTHROW(d_project->AbortTransaction());
            //    /*if( FAILED(d_project->CommitTransaction()) ) {
            //        ASSERT(("COMTHROW: Throwing HRESULT exception. Press
IGNORE", false));
            //        throw d_project->CommitTransaction();
            //    }*/
        catch (...){
            Console::Out::WriteLine("inside catch");
            Console::Out::WriteLine("before throw");

Which is compiling properly but not running.

Thus, I am requesting some suggestion on how a popup window can be
implemented as a child  in BON2Component.

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