Hi Everyone,<BR>
I am learning GME and have gone through the tutorials part given in the website and have some doubts.<BR>
1)I did not get any clue as to how to perform a mathematical calculation something like a+b by using GME. could anyone help me in this regard. <BR>
2) When I have created an application model with a model( like router) having some ports, I am unable to place the ports in vertical configuration. I mean, however I am trying to place the ports within the model, I am always getting them in a horizontal configuration. Could anyone help me how to make it to a vertical configuration? <BR>
3) Also, when I placing in the model(with customized icon shape), the shape of the icon is changing, to be more precise, it is becoming a bit distorted. Could anyone help me with that.<BR>
Thanks in advance..<BR>
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