Dear GME Users,<br><br>I am writing BON interpreter using Java. I am able to register the Interpreter and also able to get some basic information of the project like ProjectName, RootFolderName, Models in the Folder and the number of children in model. I am unable to find API to get the Atoms and Connections in each model.
<br><br>I tried getAtoms() of JBuilderModel, but it is giving 0 atoms in the model even though there are 4 atoms in the model.<br><br>I used getChidren() of JBuilderModel, even though it is giving there are this many number of children in the model, I am unable to extract out different things (atoms, connections) from the children vector.
<br><br><br>Any help in this regard is welcome.<br><br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br><br>Regards<br>Adi<br>