[great-users] GReAT r.1.5.0 is out

Attila Vizhanyo viza at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Nov 9 16:31:30 CST 2005

Dear GReAT users:

The new GReAT release, GReAT 1.5.0 is avaliable for download from

New features include:

1.  GME 5.9.21 support
2.  Configuration editor tool: a dialog based interface for specyfing configuration data
3.  Port connector tool: select two rules, press a button and the tool will connect all the ports based on the physical layout of the ports.
4.  Match-any-association language feature (see the GReAT User's guide for details)
5.  GME enum bug fixed in MetaGME2UMx (see JIRA issue GRT-47)

Please report any problems to either this list or our JIRA 
issue-tracking system at:


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