[great-users] UserCodeLibrary attributes -- how do they work?

Matthew J. Emerson mjemerson at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Fri Oct 14 12:07:31 CDT 2005

I couldn't find much documentation of UserCodeLibrary attributes in the
GReAT User manual. In fact, the only documentation I found for the
feature was, "UserCodeLibrary contains the additional user predefined
library files, include files and the corresponding directories." Maybe
we could document here exactly how this feature works.

There are four fields that can be filled in to include external code in
a GReAT transformation:


            Include files?

            Library Files?

            Include Directories?

            Library Directories?


So, what are the answers to the following questions:


1.	What exactly is the purpose of each of these fields?
2.	Does the purpose or interpretation of some of the fields change
based on whether one uses the GRE or the CG?
3.	What is the effect of whitespace in the different fields? Does
it act as an entry delimiter? Does it cause strange errors to have
whitespace in a path name?
4.	In which fields are quotation marks around paths expected, and
in which are they disallowed? In which are they optional? If I place
quotation marks around a path name, is it always okay for that path name
to include whitespace?
5.	What delimiters should we use if, for instance, we need to
reference multiple files in "Include files?"?


At this point, I do not know how to reliably generate a working project
file/make file using any of the UserCodeLibrary fields, except by
including a single header file per UserCodeLibrary atom (using only the
"Include files?" field) and copying the needed files into either the CG
project directory or the GReAT\tmp directory. Obviously, this means I
can't really distribute a GReAT project to others in such a way that
they can build a transformation using the CG or the GRE without copying
around files or editing the library header files I provide depending on
what they want to do. 


Some documentation of how this feature works would really help.




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