[tao-bugs] Too many IP Addresses

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Sat Oct 22 03:09:55 CDT 2016


Thanks for using the PRF form.

Maybe you can enable -ORBDebugLevel 10 and see if the log tells you more
where it fails? Could you start your server in the debugger and try to
find where it fails, that would help a lot.

Feel free to open a pull request at https://github.com/DOCGroup/ACE_TAO
when you have found a possible fix. An other option is to hire someone
to analyze this further and fix it for you, see
http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/commercial-support.html for all
companies delivering support, including Remedy IT, the company I work for.

Best regards,

Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT
Postbus 81 | 6930 AB Westervoort | The Netherlands

On 10/22/2016 08:19 AM, Winston JENKS wrote:
>     TAO VERSION: 2.3.3
>     ACE VERSION: 6.3.3
>     HOST MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM:  Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server
> 2012 R2
>         If on Windows based OS's, which version of WINSOCK do you
>         use?:
>     TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST:
>     THE $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h FILE [if you use a link to a platform-
>     specific file, simply state which one]:
>          #define ACE_HAS_MFC 0
>          #include “ace/config-win32.h”
>     THE $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU FILE [if you
>     use a link to a platform-specific file, simply state which one
>     (unless this isn't used in this case, e.g., with Microsoft Visual
>     C++)]:  Tested with VS 2012  ( and version VC6 with ACE v5.4.1 )
>     CONTENTS OF $ACE_ROOT/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/default.features
>     (used by MPC when you generate your own makefiles): <empty>
> tao_cosnaming, and our tao client
>         LINKING? NO
>         EXECUTION? YES
> On a machine with more than 63 (possibly 62) IP Addresses (not sure if
> per-interface or globally) my TAO client and tao_cosnaming.exe crash.
> On machines with quite a few IP Addresses (in this case static IPs all
> assigned to the same interface), tao_cosnaming.exe will throw an
> exception and quit at startup.  While trying to narrow down the cause,
> our tao test client (normally very reliable) will throw an INTERNAL
> exception when calling resolve_initial_references(“RootPOA”).  TAO
> servers can avoid this issue by specifying a particular IP Address
> with –ORBListenEndpoints.
> The NamingViewer.exe runs correctly even when there are > 63 IP
> addresses present in the system.  The NamingViewer does call
> resolve_initial_references(“NameService”), but does NOT appear to call
> resolve_initial_references(“RootPOA”).
>     REPEAT BY:
> In an elevated command prompt, create a number of IP Addresses on an
> interface.  First line below is explanation—replace items in braces.
> Second line is an example of how to create 111 addresses from
>>120.  Note that if you have your {InterfaceName} set to
> DHCP, the first time you run this, you will reset the adapter to the
> static IP address you define.  So either start with a static IP
> address already set, or run netsh first with an IP address that is on
> your network.  I used an IP addresses (192.168.30/24) outside our
> normal subnet to avoid collisions.
>    C:> REM for /L %A IN ({start},1,{end}) DO netsh interface ip add
> address “{InterfaceName}” 192.168.30.%A {mask}
>    C:> for /L %A IN (10,1,120) DO netsh interface ip add address
> “Local Area Connection” 192.168.30.%A
> (Also note, on Windows 7, the mouse may be jerky initially after this
> command, but it settled down for me after a while. Windows Server 2012
> had no discernable discomfort with this.)
> Then run tao_cosnaming.exe.
> Error including “(endpoint initialization failure in Acceptor
> Registry; unspecified errno)” is displayed.
> I tested this with TAO 6.3.3 on Windows 7.  We have older version of
> TAO (1.4.1) also running on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 R2 where
> naming_server and the call to resolve_initial_references(“RootPOA”)
> also suffers from same behavior.
> A)  Reduce the number of IP addresses in the system (might be a
> per-interface limit).
> C:> for /L %A IN (70,1,120) DO netsh interface ip delete address
> “Local Area Connection” 192.168.30.%A
> This leaves only addresses from on your system.  Now
> things work again.
> resolve_initial_references(“RootPOA”), limit the addresses they listen
> on with –ORBListenEndpoints
> That very last part above is the key workaround. A client that calls
> resolve_initial_references(“RootPOA”) will receive an INTERNAL
> exception unless the number of interfaces to listen on was restricted
> by passing something like –ORBListenEndpoints iiop://,
> which limits whatever happens in resolve_initial_references
> (“RootPOA”) to fewer IP addresses and prevents the INTERNAL exception.
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