[udm-dev] udm_ns new feature

Zsolt Kalmar kalmar at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jun 22 14:17:40 CDT 2005

I've just added a small convenience tool to udm_ns. I think that's one
small step for a udm-developers; one giant leap for udm-mankind :) 
It eats GME exported UML meta models and spits out c++ compiled API
static libraries along with an appropriate vc71 project.

For example, calling:

%UDM_PATH%/compileUdmAPI SBML SBML_uml.xme

	MPCGen SBML SBML_uml.xme -g
will generate 
	sbml.mpc - this is an mpc input file
	-g is a udm parameter, the udm parameters will be passed to
	mpc.exe sbml.mpc -type vc71 -static
		generates vc71 project file with the appropriate custom
build 		steps
	devenv /build RELEASE sbml.vcproj 
	devenv /build DEBUG sbml.vcproj
		it compiles release and debug versions

results in

SBMLsd.lib and SBMLs.lib

It is a beta version, so please try it and share your experience.
You can find it in umd_ns/etc/compileUdmAPI.bat


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