[Ace-users] Re: Getting ACE_Reactor to suspend input processing

Amnon AmnonAB at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 05:56:45 CDT 2007

On Jul 31, 8:05 pm, "Jules d'Entremont"
<Jules.dEntrem... at SolaceSystems.com> wrote:
> >>Can I use ACE_Reactor::suspend_handlers() (or some other function) to
> >>stop the Reactor from handling input events?
> >Yes, you can do that.
> But won't that stop timers and output handlers also?  How can I make it
> stop handling only input events?
> >You might also simply stop calling the
> >Reactor's handle_input() method.
> I can't find a handle_input() function documented for ACE_Reactor.
> >Thanks,
> >        Doug
> Jules.

Hi Jules,

Why not simply deregister the handlers you want to suspend from input
while the queue is full, then register them again when the queue is no
longer full? You could of course implement an efficient algorithm that
doesn't keep registering and deregistering many handlers, but that
would do the trick you want with back-pressuring the TCP peers.


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