[Ace-users] [ace-users] Compiling error while ACE embedded in MFC dialog base App,

Sowayan, Abdullah (N-DUA) abdullah.sowayan at lmco.com
Thu Dec 6 07:37:16 CST 2007


>  i heard about ACE a few days ago and downloaded one and tried to
> some codes with it.  

Welcome to the club.

> but it shows Compiling error while ACE embedded in MFC
> dialog base App, as follows:
> 1)Ace Ver: 5.2.3
> 2)Compiler ver: VC++ 6.0

ACE 5.2.3 is very, very, very old. Please upgrade to ACE 5.6.1, which
you can download from http://download.dre.vanderbilt.edu/

Note that ACE/TAO does not support VC++ 6.0 anymore, it is a very old
compiler that even Microsoft itself doesn't support anymore.


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