[ace-users] Trying to adding an ACE_TTY_IO handler to the reactor.

Robert Iakobashvili coroberti at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 10:34:17 CDT 2007


3) I recommend you read the documentation on programming with Windows
> serial ports.  I seem to recall the way of getting I/O from them is to
> create an event that's associated with the serial port handle and
> register *that* event with the reactor, rather than the handle itself.
> Take care,
>      Doug

Y, indeed. Use Win API ReadFile (), where you pass in some place Windows
Event to be signaled
on data to read. The event can be associated to ace-handle and added to
Reactor. Look in ace examples
and tests on the tricks with ACE_Event, etc.

Robert Iakobashvili,
coroberti %x40 gmail %x2e com
A web testing and traffic generation tool.
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