[Ace-users] SSL implementation between C++ client and Java server

arcks09 at yahoo.co.in arcks09 at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jun 27 08:13:56 CDT 2007

I am trying to  implement SSL between a C++ client and Java server.
I see that the communication is working, but only if I provide the pem
pass phrase when launching the client.
The client configuration file is as follows:
dynamic SSLIOP_Factory Service_Object *
TAO_SSLIOP:_make_TAO_SSLIOP_Protocol_Factory() "-SSLPrivateKey
PEM:KEY.pem -SSLCertificate PEM:CERT.pem"
static Resource_Factory "-ORBProtocolFactory SSLIOP_Factory".

Is there no way to avoid this prompt for the passphrase??
TAO : 1.5 version
Jacorb : 2.2.3
Used openssl for generating certificates and have imported these into
the java keystore

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