[Ace-users] Re: [ciao-users] Advice on assynchronous method invocations and CORBA Messaging

Gan Deng gan.deng at vanderbilt.edu
Thu Jun 28 16:54:24 CDT 2007

Hi Folks,

Sowayan, Abdullah (N-DUA) wrote:
> Santos,
>> I need to use assynchronous method invocations with my components
> because I 
>> need a non-blocking approach to the comunication. I took a look in the 
>> example code of the Node Application Manager, Node Application and Node
>> Application Callback of DanCE and I believe that the CORBA Messaging 
>> service is not being used, am I correct? 
> I think DAnCE started using such features in CIAO 0.5.9. Though, I don't
> think don't think you can using AMI in your own components (yet).

That's right. When a large number of nodes are invovled, you can choose 
using AMI to (re)deploy your assemblies to improve the (re)deployment 

>> If I am, do you think it's best to use the CORBA Messaging 
>> (if TAO supports it) 
> TAO does support the CORBA Messaging Spec.

TAO does support CORBA Messaging including AMI. To use AMI in your CIAO 
components is by no means an easy task. The main reason is because when 
you use AMI, (1) IDL compiler generates different CORBA skeleton code 
for the IDL interfaces, based on which you must create your servants as 
subclasses of these servants, and (2) the client side should also be 
programmed differently. In CCM, all the above code is generated by CIDL 
compiler for you, so it is very hard to manually replace the generated 
code with your own AMI-based code. The right thing [TM] to do is to 
enhance CIAO to support AMI natively, but it seems that we don't have 
immediate plan for this yet as far as I know.

Take care,

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