[Ace-users] [ace-users] [PATCH] Deprecated ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast::unsubscribe (void)

Stefan Naewe stefan.naewe at atlas-elektronik.com
Wed Nov 21 07:30:52 CST 2007

On 11/21/2007 2:08 PM, Douglas C. Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
>    Can you please provide a ChangeLog entry for this patch that
>    explains what it's purpose is?
>    thanks,
>    Doug

Like this:

* examples/Reactor/Ntalker/ntalker.cpp:
  Use ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast::leave() instead of deprecated ...::unsubscribe()
  to leave the multicast group

Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Naewe                 ATLAS Elektronik GmbH
                                                   Dept.: NUS T4
phone: +49-(0)421-457-1378          Sebaldsbruecker Heerstr. 235
fax:   +49-(0)421-457-3913                          28305 Bremen
/dev/random says: Bullets speak louder than reason.

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