[Ace-users] Re: [ciao-users] Calling ccm_activate on CIAO 0.5.9

Gan Deng gan.deng at vanderbilt.edu
Wed Sep 12 21:10:18 CDT 2007


santos . wrote:
> Hi Gan,
> I included "CCM_SessionComponentC.h" in the header and the 
> CIAO_Container library in my MPC file and the following code compiled fine:
>    Client_var new_client = home_client->create();
>    ::Components::SessionComponent_var session_comp = 
> ::Components::SessionComponent::_narrow(new_client);
>    session_comp->ccm_activate();
> But I tested the session_comp variable and it has null value. The 
> new_client variable is not null as expected. I need to call ccm_activate 
> in order to register the valuetype factories in the new client component 
> orb. Did I do something wrong?

You must explicitly register event type (value type) factory by using 
the CIAO_REGISTER_OBV_FACTORY macro which is available in CIAO, since 
ccm_activate is not intended for this task.

Take care,

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