[ace-users] Linking problem with VisualC++ Express on Windows Vista

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Sun Sep 16 13:49:22 CDT 2007


I would recommend you to look at MPC, in the distribution you find mpc
files, we use MPC with these files to generate the solutions, that is much
easier then making and maintaining them by hand.


Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT
Postbus 101
2650 AC  Berkel en Rodenrijs
The Netherlands
www.theaceorb.nl / www.remedy.nl  

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http://scoreboard.theaceorb.nl ***
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"Chris" <acdahlqvist at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:<1189847537.447746.223730 at n39g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>...
> I am new to C++ and ACE and am facing some linking problems while
> trying to build a simple example project on Windows Vista using VisualC
> ++ Express.
> I managed to install and compile ACE without any problems. In order to
> see if everything is set up correctly I then created a separate
> project where I imported the Future1 example (ace\ACE_wrappers\examples
> \Threads\future1.cpp). I configured the ACE_ROOT and PATH environment
> variables and added the paths and ACE.lib in the properties for the
> project. When I try to build the solution I get the linking errors
> shown below. I have tried changing the settings a number of ways
> without any success, and suspect there is some basic step/setting that
> I have missed. Can someone point me in the right direction?
> Creating temporary file "c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug
> \RSP00003B55527920.rsp" with contents
> [
> /Od /I "C:\acd\dev\ace\ACE_wrappers" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
> "_CONSOLE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"Debug\
> \" /Fd"Debug\vc80.pdb" /W3 /c /Wp64 /ZI /TP .\futuretest.cpp
> ]
> Creating command line "cl.exe @c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug
> \RSP00003B55527920.rsp /nologo /errorReport:prompt"
> Creating temporary file "c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug
> \TMP00003C55527920.tmp" with contents
> [
> \Debug\\dc2.exe.embed.manifest"
> ]
> Creating command line "rc.exe /fo".\Debug\dc2.exe.embed.manifest.res"
> c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug\TMP00003C55527920.tmp"
> Creating temporary file "c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug
> \RSP00003D55527920.rsp" with contents
> [
> /OUT:"C:\acd\workspace\dc2\Debug\dc2.exe" /INCREMENTAL /LIBPATH:"C:\acd
> \dev\ace\ACE_wrappers\lib" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"Debug
> \dc2.exe.intermediate.manifest" /DEBUG /PDB:"c:\acd\workspace\dc2\debug
> \dc2.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:X86 ACE.lib kernel32.lib
> user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib
> shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
> ".\debug\futuretest.obj"
> ".\Debug\dc2.exe.embed.manifest.res"
> ]
> Creating command line "link.exe @c:\acd\workspace\dc2\dc2\Debug
> The errors I get in the output are:
> Compiling...
> futuretest.cpp
> Compiling manifest to resources...
> Linking...
>    Creating library C:\acd\workspace\dc2\Debug\dc2.lib and object C:
> \acd\workspace\dc2\Debug\dc2.exp
> futuretest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
> virtual __thiscall ACE_Method_Request::~ACE_Method_Request(void)" (??
> 1ACE_Method_Request@@UAE at XZ) referenced in function __unwindfunclet$??
> 0Method_Request_work@@QAE at PAVScheduler@@KHAAV?$ACE_Future at K@@@Z$0
> futuretest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
> int __cdecl ACE_Log_Msg::log(enum ACE_Log_Priority,char const
> *,...)" (?log at ACE_Log_Msg@@QAAHW4ACE_Log_Priority@@PBDZZ) referenced
> in function "public: __thiscall
> Method_Request_work::Method_Request_work(class Scheduler *,unsigned
> long,int,class ACE_Future &)" (??
> 0Method_Request_work@@QAE at PAVScheduler@@KHAAV?$ACE_Future at K@@@Z)
> futuretest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
> void __thiscall ACE_Log_Msg::conditional_set(char const
> *,int,int,int)" (?conditional_set at ACE_Log_Msg@@QAEXPBDHHH at Z)
> referenced in function "public: __thiscall
> Method_Request_work::Method_Request_work(class Scheduler *,unsigned
> long,int,class ACE_Future &)" (??
> 0Method_Request_work@@QAE at PAVScheduler@@KHAAV?$ACE_Future at K@@@Z)
> ...
> ...
> futuretest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
> static class ACE_Allocator * __cdecl ACE_Allocator::instance(void)" (?
> instance at ACE_Allocator@@SAPAV1 at XZ) referenced in function "public:
> __thiscall ACE_Unbounded_Set *>::ACE_Unbounded_Set *>(class
> ACE_Allocator *)" (??0?$ACE_Unbounded_Set at PAV?
> $ACE_Future_Observer at K@@@@QAE at PAVACE_Allocator@@@Z)
> C:\acd\workspace\dc2\Debug\dc2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 76
> unresolved externals

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