[Ace-users] Executing an operation after an invocation is completed

Thomas Kowalski th-ko at gmx.de
Tue Sep 25 03:20:00 CDT 2007

Hi everyone,
lets assume we have at least two services ( A and B ). B is processing
an event-queue. During the processing of each event B invoke one of
several methods of A. Now A shall invoke one of several methods on B
as an response. After such a method is invoked by A on B the event-
processing shall continue.

Is there such a "message-completed-hook" there I might do such
processing? What might be the best way to continue processing B's
event-queue after we returned to method call of A?

I am currently using ACE 5.5.1 and TAO 1.5.1 and use AMI.

Thanks a lot in advance,
Thomas Kowalski

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