[Ace-users] [tao-users] Notification consumer on remote machine does not receive events

Werner Buchert w.buchert at medat.de
Tue Jan 15 02:03:42 CST 2008


possibly the server isn't allowed to make a
connection to the client, can you check it?

As far as I know, the Notification-Service don't
have the Bidirectional-Connection Policy, or am I wrong?

Best regards,


>> Our Notification based application runs without problems when 
>> supplier and consumer processes running on the same machine. On one
>> machine we start Naming_Service, Notify_Service and  the supplier
>> process. On the remote machine we start the consumer process. Remote
>> calls from the consumer process to the supplier process work, so we
>> think our network and service configuration is ok. Besides that we
>> see that the consumer connects to the correct eventchannel created by
>> the supplier process, but does not receive any events from the
>> supplier.
> This is likely due to DNS problems on the supplier machine. Even though 
> the consumer machine can make CORBA calls on the supplier, the callback 
> mechanism requires that the supplier machine behave like a client to the 
> consumer server. And if there is a problem with machine names then the 
> callbacks will just not happen.
> You can do a quick check of this by running the consumer (and heck, the 
> supplier too) with "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 1".
> The two likely scenarios in my experience:
> 1) the consumer is using an unqualified host name while the supplier 
> wants to resolve the name using a fully-qualified name (or vica versa)
> 2) the supplier is just resolving the wrong name altogether
> hth
>                         - Tom

Für Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

i.A. Werner Buchert
Programmierung und Entwicklung
MEDAT Computer-Systeme GmbH
Hilblestr. 54
80636 München
Fon: +49 (0) 89 - 126 80 80
Fax. +49 (0) 89 - 126 80 8 - 50
E-Mail: w.buchert at medat.de
Home: www.medat.de

HRB München 56 206
USt-IdNr. DE129411894
Dr. Peter-K. Escher-Vetter
Dr. Bernd Mollerus
Dipl.-Ing- Erwin Mayr
Der IT-Spezialist im medizinischen Labor

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