[Ace-users] [tao-users] Bug in CosNotifyFilter::Filter::add_constraints()

Adam Mitz mitza at ociweb.com
Mon Jan 21 10:50:12 CST 2008

Douglas C. Schmidt wrote:
> If you have a suggestion on how to fix this problem please let OCI know.
> If it's still a problem with TAO 1.6.2 please let us know, as well.

The source file mentioned, TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Notify/ETCL_Filter.cpp, 
hasn't changed in the OCI or DOC repositories since 1.5a was branched 
off.  So if it is a valid bug, it's likely to be a problem in TAO 1.6.2 
as well.  Not that this precludes testing it with 1.6.2....

Adam Mitz
Software Engineer
Object Computing, Inc.

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