[Ace-users] [ace-users] ACE 5.4 compiling error

Douglas C. Schmidt schmidt at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jan 30 19:07:49 CST 2008


Thanks very much for your email.  Please make sure to send all
questions related to TAO or ACE to the ACE mailing list or ACE+TAO
newsgroup, rather than to me directly since I travel frequently and
often don't have ready access to email.  See


for more info on how to access these resources.

> I have this question regarding ACE 5.4 compiling error and hope that you can help me out. 

Please upgrade to ACE+TAO+CIAO x.6.2 (i.e., ACE 5.6.2, TAO 1.6.2, and
CIAO 0.6.2), which you can download from


under the heading: "Latest Beta Kit."

The DOC groups at Washington University, UC Irvine, and Vanderbilt
University only provide "best effort" support for non-sponsors for the
latest release, as described in


Thus, if you need more "predictable" help for earlier versions of
ACE+TAO, I recommend that you check out


for a list of companies that will provide you with ACE+TAO commercial

Thanks very much,


> I upgraded my Red Hat Linux AS
> version 3 update 4 to a new Red Hat Linux AS version 4 update 1, and then recompile the ACE (version 5.4) and got
> couple similiar errors as follow.
> Error: expected class-name before '(' token.
> The above error is occured in few template functions from ACE_Unbounded_Queue.cpp (and other files). I have attached the
> below source codes for an example where the error happened.
> template<class T> void
> ACE_Unbounded_Queue<T>::delete_nodes(void)
> {
>    for (....)
>    {
>       ....
>       ACE_DES_FREE_TEMPLATE ( temp,   // Error: expected class-name before '(' token.
>                                                      ....);
>       ....
>    }
>    ....
> }
> Could you please educate me if there is a way to work around to fix this error? I have tried to use ACE version 5.6 as
> your recommendation for those ACE compiling errors questions on the website http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ace-bugs/message/
> 5108 but it caused other errors for other softwares on my system. Thank you very much for your helps and your time.
> Respectfully,
> Ilan Tong
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