[Ace-users] [tao-users] TAO 1.3 SSL/Name Service

Harry Harcrow Harry.Harcrow at verizonbusiness.com
Tue Mar 11 17:29:41 CDT 2008

Thanks Chris -

I did some cursory checking and I don't believe there is support for it in
my version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cleeland [mailto:cleeland at ociweb.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 4:13 PM
To: Harry Harcrow
Cc: tao-users at cs.wustl.edu
Subject: Re: [tao-users] TAO 1.3 SSL/Name Service

On Mar 11, 2008, at 4:46 PM, Harry Harcrow wrote:

> Really, my question is does the corbaloc URL method not work with  
> SSL in version 1.3?

1.3 is a long time ago; it really depends on if you're talking about  
DOC 1.3 release, or whether you're talking about an OCI 1.3a release.   
I happen to have a copy of OCITAO 1.3a_p16 on my laptop, and it  
appears to support ssliop in corbaloc, but that doesn't necessarily  
mean that DOC 1.3 supported it or even that 1.3a_p15 supported it.

It could be that ssliop isn't supported as a corbaloc protocol, or it  
could be that the version you're using doesn't do the communication  

Either way, somebody will have to crack open the source as well as  
some logs for what you're using in order to figure it out.   
Fortunately, since TAO is open source, you can do that if you choose,  
or you can delegate that to somebody else via support.

Chris Cleeland, Principal Software Engineer
http://www.theaceorb.com AND http://www.ociweb.com

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