[ciao-announce] AXCIOMA v2.0.0 available!

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Wed Aug 10 02:58:35 CDT 2016

Hi all,

Remedy IT is pleased to announce the availability of AXCIOMA 2.0.0 (see
http://www.axcioma.com)! This major releases provides full support for
the AXCIOMA Execution Framework (ExF) (see
http://www.axcioma.com/articles/backgrounds/exf.html) for all connector

The AXCIOMA Execution Framework (ExF) provides developers full
concurrency control for component based applications.

AXCIOMA ExF decouples middleware event generation/reception and
component event handling in such a way that the component developer is
guaranteed to be safe from threading and code re-entrancy issues without
losing the ability to fully use multithreaded architectures to scale

AXCIOMA ExF will capture and encapsulate events for any interaction
pattern or connector implementation (synchronous requests, asynchronous
replies, state and/or data events, or custom connectors) allowing them
to be asynchronously scheduled and subsequently handled in a serialized

AXCIOMA supports the design, development, and deployment of a
distributed Component Based Architecture (CBA). It is the component
framework enabling the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

Free evaluation versions for Windows and Linux are available on request!
For more information about the features and capabilities see

Best regards,

Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT

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