[ciao-announce] Remedy IT announces AXCIOMA 1.0.0

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Mon Feb 15 04:39:36 CST 2016

Hi all,

Remedy IT is pleased to announce the availability of AXCIOMA 1.0 (
http://www.axcioma.com )! This first major release has a lot of
features and capabilities. All packages are available on our support
portal ( http://swsupport.remedy.nl/projects/rite-axcioma ).

The AXCIOMA 1.0 ( http://www.axcioma.com ) release is the result of
several years of development dedicated to the creation of a more
modern (using the OMG IDL to C++11 language mapping), complete,
stable, and flexible implementation of the LwCCM and several related

Leveraging the advantages of the OMG IDL to C++11 language mapping,
AXCIOMA enables an easier and safer C++11 implementation of the
component business code.

AXCIOMA supports the design, development, and deployment of a
distributed Component Based Architecture (CBA). It is the component
framework enabling the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

AXCIOMA supports state, event, request-reply, and timed trigger based
interaction patterns based on a suite of OMG open standards.

AXCIOMA provides out of the box State and Event based interaction
support using RTI Connext© DDS 5.2.0. The State and Event interaction
support is provided through a DDS based implementation according to
the OMG DDS for Lightweight CCM (DDS4CCM) specification.

The Request/Reply interaction is provided using a CORBA based
implementation with support for asynchronous messaging as defined by
the OMG Asynchronous Method Invocation for CCM (AMI4CCM)

AXCIOMA provides an open and dynamically configurable set of
deployment tools that can be configured or extended to fit any system

This release is available for dozens of Linux flavors (32bit and
64bit), Windows (32bit and 64bit) using Visual Studio 2015 and
MinGW-w64, and Android.

For more information about the features and capabilities see
axcioma.com ( http://www.axcioma.com ).

Contact axciomalicense at remedy.nl to receive your
free evaluation license.

Best regards,

Johnny Willemsen

Remedy IT - Postbus 81 - 6930 AB Westervoort - The Netherlands
www.remedy.nl - info at remedy.nl - +31 (0) 88 053 0000

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