[ciao-announce] Some interesting 2016 numbers

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Mon Jan 2 12:47:05 CST 2017

Hi all,

First best wishes to you all for 2017!

Looking back at 2016 I wanted to shared some interesting numbers to you
all. In 2016 a lot of work has been done which resulted in three new
ACE/TAO releases. Through customer funding we made one new CIAO and one
DAnCE release.

In order to monitor the quality of all code multiple companies are
running daily builds. These builds compile and test the code on various
platforms. The public builds can be found online at
http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/scoreboard/. From our test statistics I
gathered that in 2016 (this doesn't include branch builds or internal
test builds):
* We performed 21.384 builds (a single build varies between 30 minutes
and 36 hours).
* Ran 1,715,589 TAO tests
* Ran 5,380,604 ACE/X11/OpenDDS/CIAO tests

Looking at the ACE/TAO git repository
(https://github.com/DOCGroup/ACE_TAO) we now have
* 85,931 commits
* First commit on October 21th 1996 (which was a import from another
repository) which is more than 20 years of development!

>From Ohloh (https://www.openhub.net/p/acetaociao)
* 210 different committers over time (that are different people that
have commit rights), we have way more people contributing code through
bugzilla, email lists, ...
* 878 man years of effort for ACE/TAO!
* Almost 3M lines of code for ACE/TAO (this includes all examples and tests)

This work can't be done without sponsoring from the community. This can
be through additional builds (see https://github.com/DOCGroup/autobuild)
or through financial support.

When you want to know more about these numbers and/or how to contribute
in any form feel free to contact me directly!

Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT
Postbus 81 | 6930 AB Westervoort | The Netherlands

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