AW: AW: [cosmic-users] WG: Constrain check and MPC file generation
Goutas, Vasili
VGoutas at
Tue Nov 29 08:52:27 CST 2005
Hi kitty,
>Hi Vasili,
>On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 00:36:08 -0600, Wasili Goutas wrote:
>> Krishnakumar B wrote:
>>> Hi Vasili,
>>> On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 15:38:34 -0600, Wasili Goutas wrote:
>>>>I got the latest cvs sources of ACE_wrappers and MPC.
>>>> Checking out the MPC files was only possible in a folder
>other then
>>>>the one containing the ACE_wrappers project. This is because cvs
>>>>could not checkout diferent projects into the same folder I think.
>>> Yes. In order to get MPC you should checkout using the following
>>> commands:
>>> cvs co ACE_wrappers
>>> cvs co ACE_MPC
>> Thats right, but when you run cvs co ACE_MPC in the same
>folder as you
>> run cvs co ACE_wrappers, it fails, because AC_MPC create the folder
>> ACE_wrappres\MPC and when ACE_wrappers exists which the CVS
>> cvs sems not to reuse it.
>I do it all the time and it works for me. Did you try update
>or checkout?
>Checkout should work.
I tried checkout on both projects. Don't know what wet wrong. Now I've
got the SCE_MPC project synced to an differnet folder and set the
MPC_ROOT to point to it and it works ok for me.
>Krishnakumar B <kitty at dre dot vanderbilt dot edu> Institute
>for Software Integrated Systems, Dept. of EECS, Vanderbilt University
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