[cosmic-users] Usage questions on IDL generator

Jeff Parsons parsons at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Sep 13 04:15:19 CDT 2005

 Hi Bala,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu 
> [mailto:cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu] On 
> Behalf Of Bala Natarajan
> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:28 AM
> To: cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: [cosmic-users] Usage questions on IDL generator
> Hi
>       i.e., which version of Windows are you using.
>         Win XP SP2
>         None affected. Usage question. Please see below. 
>         COMPILATION?
>         LINKING?
>         EXECUTION?
>         OTHER (please specify)?
>         None of the above. 
>         Usage question in IDL Generator
> (1) How do I trigger forward declarations with generated IDLs? For
>     example, I am looking for something like this
>         interface bar;
>         interface foo 
>         {
>           bar bar_factory ();
>         };
>     in a file called foo.idl. When I specify the return type bar in a
>     different IDL (bar.idl) and specify the reference of bar in the
>     return type of bar_factory, the generated IDL takes this form 
>     #include "bar.idl"
>         interface foo 
>         {
>           bar bar_factory ();
>         };
>     which is not something I need. Can someone please point to the
>     right clicks to achieve this?

Unfortunately, there isn't that kind of fine-grained control in IDL
generation. At this point, it's hard enough to make the IDL generator
smart enough to figure out what #includes are needed when generating
IDL, which is read serially, from a model which has everything available
everywhere. I'm not sure how we would then make the interpreter smarter
to know when NOT to do this. Sorry I don't have a better answer.


> (2) How do I specify local policies? For example a policy like this
>     local interface MyPOlicy : CORBA::Policy
>     {};
>     through PICML/IDLML?
> (3) How do I add documentation in the model which can be spit out as
>     doxygen or javadoc style documentation in the generated  IDL?  
> (4) How do I constraint check the model for documentation?
> (5) How do I create an XMI file or a UML model from the model we
>     create for IDL generation? 
> (6) Is there a way to plug in an activity digram along with the IDL
>     model? Looks like this may be an useful feature if someone wants
>     to understand the interaction model between objects represented by
>     the IDLML. 
> Any help would be much appreciated. If the above are all in the works,
> please let me know when will they be available?
> Thanks
> Bala
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