[cosmic-users] How to get component descriptors?
zichenyang717488 at 163.com
Wed Oct 25 21:09:43 CDT 2006
I'm interesting in open source system development, especially open source middleware. So, I pay attention to ACE/TAO/CIAO.
>From the website, I download the open source code. My development environment as follows: Windows XP SP2, VC 7.1 . NET 2003,ACE 5.5, TAO 1.5 and CIAO 0.5.
So far, I have successfully run the TAO's Nameservice, EventService, and utility these service to code my simple application. Because the component application has been a trend of system of system development, so I want to learn how to develop, deploy and manager component.
According to the CIAO-INSTALL.html, I download the prebuilt binary CIDLC (exe) from the http://www.vanderbilt.edu/cidlc/. I download cidlc-0.5.zip,
decompress the zip file, and install this file in ACE_ROOT\TAO_ROOT\CIAO_ROOT\bin directory.
So, I open the dance.sln, and set to build release verson exe or dll. Fortuantely, I don't meet any problem, I build all projects successfully.
According to the c:\ace_wrappers\tao\ciao\docs\tutorials\cosmic\04.html guidance, I successfully run the quoter example. In order to get more component knowledge in detail, I decide to learn every step to build, deploy and manager component. I download the GME 5.9.21 and COSMIC 0.4.8. I install GME first before start COSMIC. Every thing is ok. I find GME 5.9.21 and COSMIC 0.5.2 can't install together. The DLL error will generate.
Start GME, Select File->Import XML, import "c:\ace_wrappers\tao\ciao\docs\tutorials\cosmic\model\quoter.xme", (I think that the quoter.xme file is correct for generating some component descriptors file which used in quoter example.). The import process show ok.
Because the quoter.xme is correctly imported, I can generate the component descriptors by pointing three icons on the top right-hand coner of GME,
named P, D.
The first step is following:
Point 'P'(Generate deploymentplan Descriptors), GME generate plan.cdp file. Its content is as follows:
<?xml versionfiltered="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Xmlns:xmi="<A href="http://www.omg.org/XMI" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/XMI</FONT></A>"
Xmlns:xsi="<A href="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance</FONT></A>"
Xsi:SchemaLocationfiltered="<A href="http://www.omg.org/Deployment" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/Deployment</FONT></A> Deployment.xsd">
The second step is following:
Point 'D'(Generate Domain Descriptors), GME generate Domain.ccd file. Its content is as follows:
<?xml versionfiltered="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Xmlns:xmi="<A href="http://www.omg.org/XMI" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/XMI</FONT></A>"
Xmlns:xsi="<A href="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance</FONT></A>"
Xsi:SchemaLocationfiltered="<A href="http://www.omg.org/Deployment" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/Deployment</FONT></A> Deployment.xsd">
The third step is following:
Point "Generate Domain Descriptors", GME generate plan.cdp file. Its name is as same as the first step generated file name. its content is as follows:
<?xml versionfiltered="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
Xmlns:xmi="<A href="http://www.omg.org/XMI" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/XMI</FONT></A>"
Xmlns:xsi="<A href="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance</FONT></A>"
Xsi:SchemaLocationfiltered="<A href="http://www.omg.org/Deployment" target=_blank rel=nofollow _><FONT color=#003399>http://www.omg.org/Deployment</FONT></A> Deployment.xsd">
<implementation id="MyQuoter_ComponentImplementations_StockBrokerImplementation_StockBrokerMonolithicImpl">
<name> MyQuoter_ComponentImplementations_StockBrokerImplementation_StockBrokerMonolithicImpl</name>
<implementation id="MyQuoter_ComponentImplementations_StockDistributorImplementation_StockDistributorMonolithicImpl">
<name> MyQuoter_Componentimplementations_StockDistributorImplementation_StockDistributorMonolithicImpl</name>
The fourth step is following:
Point 'Generate package Descriptors', GME generate some files (Broker.cpd, Default.pcd, Distributor,cpd, package.tpd, StockBroker.ccd,
StockBroker_exec.iad, StockBroker_stub.iad, StockBroker_exec.svnt, StockBrokerMonolitjicImpl.cid, StockDistributor.ccd, StockDistributor_exec.iad, StockDistributor_stub.iad, StockDistributor_svnt.iad, StockDistributorMonolitjicImpl.cid, StockQuoter.cid, stockQuoter.cpd).
After generated these file component descriptors files, I use these file to replace originally files which is running ok. According to
c:\ace_wrappers\tao\ciao\docs\cosmic\04.html, I meet error hint.
(1)Start NodeManagers (NodeDameon) by running runNodeDaemon.pl, shows:CIAO_NodeManager is running...
(2)Start the execution manager %CIAO_ROOT%/DAnCE/ExecutionManager/Execution_Manager -o ior -i Stock.dat, shows:CIAO_ExecutionManager is running...
(3)plan_launcher -p plan.cdp -k file://ior, the error shows:
<1788|668> Initalizing the Xerces runtime
<1788|668> EXCEPTION, <%p|%t> Plan_Launcher
user exception, ID 'IDL:Deployment/PlanError:1.0'
(4)at the same time, the Execution_Manager.exe shows error hint as follows:
DAnCE <1500|716> Deploment_Configuration.cpp:Failed to fing IOR for destination [Broker]:DAnCE
<1500|716> DomainApplicationManager_Impl.cpp -CIAO::DomainApplicationmanager_Impl::init -ERROR while calling get_plan_info()
<1500|716> EXCEPTION, DomainApplicationmanager_Impl::init user exception, ID' IDL:Deployment/PlanError:1.0'
So, I compare plan.cdp with flattened+deploymentplan.cdp file, and I find much differnece between these files. Also, there are alike case in another
file which generate by GME. In order to check the difference between these file, I check differnce by XMLViewer tool(MindFusion Ltd). I find the plan.cdp file have no 'lable' and 'realizes' items. The plan.cdp have 6 'artifact' items, but the flattened_deploymentplan.cdp have 8 'artifact' items.
According to cosmic-user web, I know the flattened_deploymentplan.cdp name which was named past period. I want to know how to get plan.cdp and another file which can correctly deploy component by GME and COSMIC tool.
Furthermore, use idl_to_picml.exe to generate .xme file as follows:
In c:\ace_wrappers\tao\ciao\docs\tutorials\quoter\simple\MyQuoter directory, MyQuoter directory has three idl files (Stock_base.idl, Broker.idl,
I run idl_to_picml.exe as follows:
idl_to_picml -x MyQuoter -r . -I .\Stock_Base
MyQuoter.xme file is created in MyQuoter directory. Its size is 58646. The original quoter.xme size is 75273 (in
Please tell me why the file size is differce?
Please give me guidance about how to generate component descriptors by GME and COSMIC in detail, thank you very much!
Best Wishes!
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