[cosmic-users] possibilities to import UML diagrams

Sumant Tambe sutambe at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Fri Jul 6 10:27:43 CDT 2007

Hi Friedhelm,

I am not sure I understand what you want to do. CoSMIC is a domain 
specific modeling tool and the models it works on are DSMs and not UML 
models. So I think a UML model can't be imported easily without some 
serious transformations on it. DSMLs of CoSMIC are developed using 
MetaGME, which is close to UML. Your UML models (class diagrams) may be 
imported as a metamodel with some transformations on it but that will 
give rise to a new DSML, which won't be a part of CoSMIC. Which DSML in 
CoSMIC do you think is useful for you? PICML, CQML, DQML, POSAML are the 
major ones.

I hope my explanation is not confusing. Let us know if you have more 



Friedhelm Wolf wrote:
> Hi there,
> can you point me to some documentation about import functionality for 
> PICML and GME?
> Our use case is, that we have a system specified within Enterprise 
> Architect in UML and
> we hope to be able to import parts of the system into CoSMIC by some 
> form of automated
> import functionality.
> Does anyone have some experience here?
> Thanks a lot,
> Friedhelm
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