[cosmic-users] Configuring QoS parameter in CoSMIC

Ricardo Perrone perrone at rocketmail.com
Mon Nov 5 12:13:31 CST 2007

Hi all,


- Windows Vista Ultimate,
- Microsoft Plataform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
- VC8(2005) Express Edition,
- ACE 5.6.1, TAO 1.6.1, CIAO 0.6.1, COSMIC 0.6, GME 6.11.9,
- xerces 2.8.0 for x86-windows.

is there an step-by-step tutorial on how to configure QoS parameter in Cosmic, like execution time, period and number of threads related to an real-tme operation implementated by component? The Cosmic Tutorial Movie (http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/html/documentation.html) doesn't have precisely information about. 

Thanks for any help

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