[cosmic-users] Fwd: [cosmic-dev] CoSMIC 0.6.3 has been released

William R. Otte wotte at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Sat Mar 1 12:39:41 CST 2008

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sumant Tambe <sutambe at dre.vanderbilt.edu>
> Date: March 1, 2008 12:00:39 PM CST
> To: cosmic-dev at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: [cosmic-dev] CoSMIC 0.6.3 has been released
> Hi folks,
> CoSMIC stable version 0.6.3 has been released and can be downloaded  
> from
> the CoSMIC website.
> http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/html/download.html
> New additions to CoSMIC 0.6.3 are as follows:
> # PICML:
>    o Enabled support for modeling complex type Property elements, such
> as collections, aggregates, and enums.
> # PICMLManager:
>    o It replaces old UUIDManager addon.
>    o Handles generating a unique name for the PublishConnector object
> when its added to a component assembly.
>    o When an AttributeValue connection is added to a model, i.e.,
> creating a connection between an attribute and a property, the manager
> ensures the referenced data type in the property is the correct type.
> This includes autonomously adding the correct data type to the  
> property,
> or making sure the current referenced data type is the same type as  
> the
> attribute.
>    o When an attribute is given a new data type, PICMLManager ensures
> that all properties of the target attribute in the component assembly
> model has the newly selected data type.
>    o When an ExternalDelegate connection is created between an
> ExternalPortReference and a port (e.g., ProvidedEventPort,
> RequiredEventPort, InEventPort, or OutEventPort), the referenced  
> object
> for the ExternalEventPort is set to the referenced object for the  
> target
> port.
>    o Contact: James H. Hill  <hillj at isis.vanderbilt.edu>
> # PropertyManager:
>    o A new interpreter that simplifies setting the values of complex
> type Property values.
> # Component Behavior Modeling Language (CBML) has new features.
>    o Added modeling support for do-while, for, and while loops. They
> have the same modeling semantics as branch states.
>    o Contact: James H. Hill  <hillj at isis.vanderbilt.edu>
> # CIAOEvents Project
>    o EventChannelConfiguration model and an interpreter for CQML
>    o Contact: Friedhelm Wolf <fwolf at dre.vanderbilt.edu>
> # NetQoS
>    o New OCL constraints to check the well-formedness of the model
> using NetQoS.
>    o Contact: Sumant Tambe <sutambe at dre.vanderbilt.edu>
> # Bug fixes:
>    o DeploymentPlan Interpreter: The implementation detail of a
> component instance is now determined by the component instance’s type,
> and not its name. Selecting the implementation detail based on the
> component instance’s name was a problem when a subtype of a component,
> or any component instance, was given the incorrect name.
>    o DeploymentPlan Interpreter: The type information for monolithic
> components of component assembly instances that were contained in
> another component assemblies was not handled correctly.
>    o Contact: James H. Hill  <hillj at isis.vanderbilt.edu>
> Thanks to all the contributors who helped in creating this release of
> CoSMIC successfully.
> Thanks,
> Sumant.
> _______________________________________________
> cosmic-dev mailing list
> cosmic-dev at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
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