[cosmic-users] CoSMIC 0.7.7 is available

Sumant Tambe sutambe at dre.vanderbilt.edu
Sat Feb 27 00:10:46 CST 2010

Hi folks,

The Component Synthesis using Model-Integrated Computing (CoSMIC)
release 0.7.7 is out and installers are available for download at

The CoSMIC tool-suite consists of

  o  Platform-Independent Component Modeling Language (PICML)
  o  Component QoS Modeling Language (CQML)
  o  DDS QoS Modeling Language (DQML)
  o  Language for Embedded Query and Traversal (LEESA).

PICML is a Model-Integrated Computing (MIC) based paradigm for modeling 
CORBA Component Model (CCM) based applications, which use the latest 
Deployment and Configuration Specification (D&C), for configuration and 
deployment. CQML allows PICML-based models to capture the higher level 
QoS design intent and helps generate QoS configuration metadata from 
annotated models. DQML allows modeling of large number QoS knobs 
provided by DDS. LEESA is a domain-specific embedded language (DSEL) in 
C++ that provides a succinct and expressive notation for writing object 
structure (e.g., XML documents, models) traversal.

New features introduced in the latest version are:

Release CoSMIC-0.7.7

. Re-enable the model intelligence feature that auto-generates default
   artifacts when a new Component is added to an File model element.

. When a user adds a new Component to the model, they can
   rename the component and set the suffix of the implementation
   and servant artifact.

. Implemented an IDL text editor, which allows end-users to
   write IDL instead of modeling it. When the user saves the
   file, it is serialized back into the model. It an be accessed
   using the following steps:

     1. Right click on File in tree view
     2. Select Interpret
     3. Select IDLTextEditor in listing

. LEESA supports "typed XML programming" in C++ based on Codesynthesis's
   open-source XML data binding tool: xsdcxx. Major enhacements are:

     1. New LEESA homepage at http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/LEESA.
     2. Support for succinct XPath-like traversals including child,
        sibling, descendant axes, wildcards, and "tuple-fication" of
        siblings while being schema-aware. Optimized Carrier<T> for
        fast query execution.
     3. Python script gen-meta.py externalizes meta-information and
        generates new "type-driven" data access layer from C++ headers
        generated by xsdcxx. Generates skeleton for hierarchical visitor.
     4. Several new functionality and performance tests for small to
        very large XML schemas (downloadable from the LEESA homepage).
     5. Compiles on g++ 4.4.2.

Please let us know if you run into problems.



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