[cosmic-users] Help needed with an error

Johnny Willemsen jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Wed Jun 9 13:15:21 CDT 2010


This tutorial seems to be broken, I created an internal issue to correct
this tutorial, hopefully we can get to this before x.8.0 gets out


On 06/09/2010 06:29 PM, Alhad Mokashi wrote:
> Sir,
> I set the CIAO_LOG_LEVEL and DANCE_LOG_LEVEL to 10 then executed the
> commands in the same order as the tutorial and got of lots of logs to
> take a look at.
> I am trying to get an idea of what might be wrong, in the mean time I
> wanted to send you some data so that if possible you can point me in
> the right direction. As the logs for level 10 are too long I set the
> DANCE_LOG_LEVEL to 2  and then got the following errors after starting
> the DAnCE Repository Manager:
> _in cmd for: dance_node_manager for Distributor_
> (5092|2388) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.223000 -
> DAnCE_LocalityActivator_i::single_th
> readed_wait_for_callback - Timed out while waiting for LocalityManager
> b6da5a5c-
> 73e0-11df-8000-002564bee43a to call back.
> __in cmd for: _dance_node_manager for Broker_
> (3900|1432) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.223000 -
> DAnCE_LocalityActivator_i::single_th
> readed_wait_for_callback - Timed out while waiting for LocalityManager
> b6da5a5c-
> 73e0-11df-8000-002564bee43a to call back.
> __in cmd for: _execution manager_
> (720|5732) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.229000 -
> DA_NAM_ReplyHandlerImpl::startLaunch_
> excep - Plan 6D382DAE-9024-4C4D-B91B-A0F9176AFACF
> DomainApplication[020B7C30] no
> de Broker : StartError exception caught.
> (720|5732) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.229000 -
> DA_NAM_ReplyHandlerImpl::startLaunch_
> excep - Plan 6D382DAE-9024-4C4D-B91B-A0F9176AFACF
> DomainApplication[020B7C30] no
> de Distributor : StartError exception caught.
> (720|5732) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.230000 -
> DA_NAM_ReplyHandlerImpl::Counter::on_
> all_completed_with_failure - Plan 6D382DAE-9024-4C4D-B91B-A0F9176AFACF
> DomainApp
> lication[020B7C30] : 2 errors from nodemanagers
> __in cmd for: _DaNCE Repository Manager_
> (6124|4508) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.232000 -
> Plan_Launcher_Base_Impl::start_launc
> h - Caught StartError exception while invoking startLaunch: ,
> (6124|4508) [LM_ERROR] -  12:04:47.232000 - Plan_Launcher::launch_plan
> - Deploym
> ent failed, exception: Caught StartError exception while invoking
> startLaunch: ,
> If possible please let me know if these logs give you an idea of a
> specific step at which I might be going wrong.
> Thanks,
> Alhad.
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Johnny Willemsen <jwillemsen at remedy.nl
> <mailto:jwillemsen at remedy.nl>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Set CIAO_LOG_LEVEL and DANCE_LOG_LEVEL to 10 to get more output
>     Johnny
>     On 06/09/2010 05:18 AM, Alhad Mokashi wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I am trying the CIAO tutorial
>>     at http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/DOC_ROOT/CIAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/
>>     <http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/%7Eschmidt/DOC_ROOT/CIAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/>.
>>     I was on the following page of the tutorial:
>>     http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/DOC_ROOT/CIAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/04.html
>>     <http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/%7Eschmidt/DOC_ROOT/CIAO/docs/tutorials/Quoter/Simple/04.html>
>>     I am using the Quoter example given in the repository (which I
>>     believe is complete with the deployment plan) and tried executing
>>     the following command:
>>     %DANCE_ROOT%/bin/dance_plan_launcher -x Plan.cdp -k file://EM.ior
>>     on which I got the following error:
>>     *(984|5628) [LM_ERROR] -  18:27:00.779000 -
>>     Plan_Launcher::launch_plan - Deployment failed, exception: Caught
>>     StartError exception while invoking startLaunch: ,*
>>     All the paths seem to be correct and the "Plan.cdp" file is also
>>     present and has the xml file describing the deployment plan.
>>     Please can I get some help as of why this error may occur?
>>     Thanks,
>>     Alhad.
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