[cosmic-users] Generate the Visual Studio solution for Source Release
Johnny Willemsen
jwillemsen at remedy.nl
Thu Aug 2 05:42:46 CDT 2012
As far as I can tell the daily CoSMIC builds aren't converted also to
git (se http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/scoreboard/cosmic.html). Maybe
someone of the CoSMIC team can do that and get the builds green again,
those daily builds than should show how you can build CoSMIC exactly.
Best regards,
Johnny Willemsen
Remedy IT
On 08/02/2012 08:34 AM, Marianne Rieckmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Okay now I can get a Visual Studio solution.
> Things I changed (may not be the correct way to do this);
> Since my MPC_ROOT is at C:\CUTS\\MPC
> Copied all files in C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC\MPC\config\* into C:\CUTS\MPC\config\
> Copied all files in C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\GAME\MPC\config\* into C:\CUTS\MPC\config\
> Also the contrib\CCF folder was not in CoSMIC or GAME, so
> Copied C:\CUTS\SEM\CUTS\contrib folder into C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\GAME and C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC and C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC\Utils\GAME
> Extra environment variables set
> @set CCF_ROOT=C:\CUTS\SEM\CUTS\contrib\CCF
> @set ZLIB_ROOT=C:\Program Files\zlib-1.2.3-vc9
> (other BOOST XERCESC ACE TAO CIAO CUTS etc also set)
> After this the Generation of the Visual Studio solution completes with the following messages
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>%ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> MPC_ROOT was set to C:\CUTS\\MPC.
> Using .../Middleware/ACE/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg
> Generating 'vc9' output using cosmic.mwc
> WARNING: PICML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_migration.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> Skipping TAO_IDL_GEN (tao_idl_fe.mpc), it requires tao_idl_fe_gen.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_migrate.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_bin.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_docs.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: GME_includes.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> Generation Time: 24s
> This looks promising :) Now proceed to Build
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>devenv /useenv CoSMIC.sln /Build
> Quite a few errors around
> Cannot open include file: 'game/mga/Mga.h': No such file or directory
> and finally not so good :(
> ========== Build: 33 succeeded, 40 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
> Is there something I am missing in this build CoSMIC from source process?
> Regards,
> Marianne.
> ________________________________________
> From: cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu [cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu] on behalf of Marianne Rieckmann [marianne.rieckmann at adelaide.edu.au]
> Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012 12:27 PM
> To: cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: [cosmic-users] Generate the Visual Studio solution for Source Release
> Hi,
> I am attempting to build CoSMIC from source.
> After downloading the master branch from;
> git://git.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/cosmic.git
> And setting all the environment variables as explained in;
> http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/html/download.php
> I am unable to generate the Visual Studio solution.
> %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> The first problem was that it was looking for GAME in Utils
> ERROR: Unable to open Utils/GAME/GAME.mwc
> So I copied the GAME directory to %CoSMIC%/Utils/
> Now I am getting the following messages;
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>%ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> MPC_ROOT was set to C:\CUTS\\MPC.
> Using .../Middleware/ACE/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg
> Generating 'vc9' output using cosmic.mwc
> PICMLManager.mpc: line 5:
> ERROR: Unable to locate parent: game_manip
> cosmic.mwc: line 37:
> ERROR: Unable to process PIM/PICML/addons/PICMLManager/PICMLManager.mpc
> ERROR: Unable to process: cosmic.mwc
> Possibly I have the incorrect branch from the git ?
> Any suggestions would be welcome.
> Regards,
> Marianne.
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