[cosmic-users] Generate the Visual Studio solution for Source Release

Marianne Rieckmann marianne.rieckmann at adelaide.edu.au
Sun Aug 5 22:34:58 CDT 2012

Hi James,
Thanks for the info.

I am using GME version 10.8.18, but had installed the .msi it rather than built from source.
I check that the GME_ROOT is set, and also ran the midl on all .idl files in the GME_ROOT\Interfaces directory and copied the resulting files into the GAME\game\mga directory.
Now CoSMIC builds with only 2 failed. The failed projects are GAME_Model_Intelligence and PICML_Model_Intelligence 

At this point my build has probably branched a bit too far, and I will wait for an update to the CoSMIC git repository to get a clean green copy of the source.

From: James H. Hill [hillj at dre.vanderbilt.edu]
Sent: Friday, 3 August 2012 3:59 AM
To: Marianne Rieckmann
Cc: cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Re: [cosmic-users] Generate the Visual Studio solution for Source Release

Hi Marianne,

On Aug 2, 2012, at 2:34 AM, Marianne Rieckmann wrote:

> Hi,
> Okay now I can get a Visual Studio solution.
> Things I changed (may not be the correct way to do this);
> Since my MPC_ROOT is at C:\CUTS\\MPC
>  Copied all files in C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC\MPC\config\* into C:\CUTS\MPC\config\
>  Copied all files in C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\GAME\MPC\config\* into C:\CUTS\MPC\config\
> Also the contrib\CCF folder was not in CoSMIC or GAME, so
>  Copied C:\CUTS\SEM\CUTS\contrib folder into C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\GAME and C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC and C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC\Utils\GAME
> Extra environment variables set
>  @set CCF_ROOT=C:\CUTS\SEM\CUTS\contrib\CCF
>  @set ZLIB_ROOT=C:\Program Files\zlib-1.2.3-vc9
>  (other BOOST XERCESC ACE TAO CIAO CUTS etc also set)
> After this the Generation of the Visual Studio solution completes with the following messages
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>%ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> MPC_ROOT was set to C:\CUTS\\MPC.
> Using .../Middleware/ACE/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg
> Generating 'vc9' output using cosmic.mwc
> WARNING: PICML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_migration.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: PICML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> Skipping TAO_IDL_GEN (tao_idl_fe.mpc), it requires tao_idl_fe_gen.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_migrate.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_bin.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CoSMIC_docs.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: GME_includes.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: POSAML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: CQML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_examples.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_paradigm_icons.vcproj has no useful targets.
> WARNING: DQML_paradigm.vcproj has no useful targets.
> Generation Time: 24s
> This looks promising :)  Now proceed to Build
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>devenv /useenv CoSMIC.sln /Build


> Quite a few errors around
>  Cannot open include file: 'game/mga/Mga.h': No such file or directory

You need to make sure you have GME installed, and that GME_ROOT is set. This should be done by just installing GME. The file in question above is auto-generated by the MIDL compiler when it parses Mga.idl that is distributed with GME.

What version of GME are you using?!



> and finally not so good :(
>  ========== Build: 33 succeeded, 40 failed, 3 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
> Is there something I am missing in this build CoSMIC from source process?
> Regards,
> Marianne.
> ________________________________________
> From: cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu [cosmic-users-bounces at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu] on behalf of Marianne Rieckmann [marianne.rieckmann at adelaide.edu.au]
> Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012 12:27 PM
> To: cosmic-users at list.isis.vanderbilt.edu
> Subject: [cosmic-users] Generate the Visual Studio solution for Source  Release
> Hi,
> I am attempting to build CoSMIC from source.
> After downloading the master branch from;
> git://git.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/cosmic.git
> And setting all the environment variables as explained in;
> http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/cosmic/html/download.php
> I am unable to generate the Visual Studio solution.
> %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> The first problem was that it was looking for GAME in Utils
>   ERROR: Unable to open Utils/GAME/GAME.mwc
> So I copied the GAME directory to %CoSMIC%/Utils/
> Now I am getting the following messages;
> C:\CUTS\CoSMIC\CoSMIC>%ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc9 cosmic.mwc
> MPC_ROOT was set to C:\CUTS\\MPC.
> Using .../Middleware/ACE/bin/MakeProjectCreator/config/MPC.cfg
> Generating 'vc9' output using cosmic.mwc
> PICMLManager.mpc: line 5:
> ERROR: Unable to locate parent: game_manip
> cosmic.mwc: line 37:
> ERROR: Unable to process PIM/PICML/addons/PICMLManager/PICMLManager.mpc
> ERROR: Unable to process: cosmic.mwc
> Possibly I have the incorrect branch from the git ?
> Any suggestions would be welcome.
> Regards,
> Marianne.
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