FW: GME Meta bug

Mon Nov 18 16:12:50 CST 2002

From: 	Tamas Paka
Sent: 	Monday, November 18, 2002 10:12:48 AM
To: 	GME Group
Subject: 	RE: GME Meta bug
Auto forwarded by a Rule

I think, the best solution would be that we use <![CDATA[ ... ]]> for those values where XML-reserved characters may occur (i.e. almost anywhere , except of name, kindName and so on). 
The format of the latter values are forced by constraints.

I am using ">" symbol in one of my attribute prompts. Here is a snippet from the generated .xmp file:


      <attrdef name="AbsoluteLowerBound" metaref = "1149" valuetype = "string" defvalue = "">

         <dispname>> (mandatory) :</dispname>



GME barfs when trying to register this xmp file, which is quite obvious. My question is: Shouldn't the meta-interpreter be automatically generating escape sequences for xml-reserved characters? Peter, is there a separate buglist for reporting Meta-environment bugs?



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