FW: decorator - shmeckorator...

Thu May 1 20:26:28 CDT 2003

From: 	Jonathan Sprinkle
Sent: 	Thursday, May 01, 2003 2:26:26 PM
To: 	GME Group
Subject: 	decorator - shmeckorator...
Auto forwarded by a Rule

Hey guys,

Has anyone out there ever written a decorator for a class that already has a decorator specified?  For example:

Jameson - class in paradigm JJJ
Paradigm MMM includes JJJ as a library
Jameson is used in paradigm MMM
I would like for Jameson to use a different decorator.

I know that I can just hack the decorator that Jameson already has, but 'hack' is the operative word here.  Is there any other way, currently, or *should* there be any other way to do this (I will accept an answer of 'no' for this)  :)


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