FW: SavingAs from RawComponent

Tue Sep 23 14:23:57 CDT 2003

From: 	Sandeep Neema
Sent: 	Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:23:57 AM
To: 	GME Group
Subject: 	SavingAs from RawComponent 
Auto forwarded by a Rule

COM/GME experts:

I have a raw-component (UDM-based, thanks to Adi) interpreter that has to modify the model. I would like to save this model before I start modifying it. I have noticed that the IMgaProject interface has a Save method, which also accepts a filename. Is this the right one to use? Has anyone used this before? Also is there a way to retrieve the opened project file name, I would ideally like to get the opened project filename, and save it as the current project name extended with _bak. I would appreciate any help by way of code snippets :-)







Sandeep Neema

Research Scientist,

Institute of Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University

Phone: 615-343-9996

Email: sandeep.k.neema at vanderbilt.edu


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