[gme-users] Component: saving project, modifying, reopening

Gabriele Trombetti gabtromb at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jun 16 15:19:51 CDT 2004

Peter Volgyesi wrote:

>One limitation: you cannot "replace" the current mga project with another
>one in your interpreter. 
Which part of this exactly is not possible?
Refreshing the model reloading from disk programmatically?

>I suggest you to export and re-import the model
>database. The benefits are:
>- it is working
>- your external program can work on a standard xml file
>- the import function is additive: you might have to delete the "old"
>objects in your interpreter "manually".

No, this does not work for me. My executable is an .exe from a GReAT 
transformation so it mandatorily needs a .mga file, not a .xme .

Coming back to my previous request, I'll make some more precise questions:
1. Is it possible to save the project on disk from an interpreter, like 
if the Save button or CTRL-S was pressed?
2. Is it possible to learn from an interpreter which is the .mga file 
which corresponds to the current project? (the one that is saved to, 
with CTRL-S)

More questions might follow, when I have an answer for these...

Thanks Peter!

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