[great-users] GReAT feedback

Aditya Agrawal Aditya at isis.vanderbilt.edu
Thu May 27 12:20:39 CDT 2004

Hi all,

I am currently writing my dissertation on GReAT and would like to
include a section on user data. Please spend a few minutes to provide me
with some feedback.

I will really appreciate it if you could write the project you used
GReAT for, time taken, number of rules and the lines of code the project
would have been if you hadn't used GReAT. The numbers will be quotes

Suggested format
Project Name:
Brief Description: 
Number of rule:
Time taken (approx):
Estimated time/ LOC if done manually:

Project Name: HSM2FSM
Brief Description: To convert any Hierarchical Concurrent State machine
to a Finite State machine representation.
Number of rule: 45 primitive rules, 5 blocks and 2 test/cases
Time taken (approx): 20 man hours
Estimated time/ LOC if done manually: 500 lines of code (estimated) or
567 lines of code

Aditya Agrawal 
mailto:aditya.agrawal at vanderbilt.edu 
Institute For Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) www.isis.vanderbilt.edu

Vanderbilt University 
2015 Terrace Place 
Nashville, TN 37203
615 322 3164

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