[great-users] More Formal Definition of "Packets"

Chris vanBuskirk Chris.vanBuskirk at vanderbilt.edu
Tue Sep 26 00:04:37 CDT 2006

The GReAT Users' Manual introduces the term "packets" with the

[each rule has a]
MATCH CONDITION:  can be either "all matches" or "any match". If it is
"allmatches" for each input <<packet>> the rule will find all the
matches and for all the valid matches it will execute the effecter.  

Later, the word "packet" is mentioned 41 more times, but there doesn't
seem to be a real definition of "packet" anywhere near the beginning of
the document.  

IMHO this is a deficit.  I offer the following as a starting point for
agreeing on a more formal definition:

"The set of input ports for any rule/test-case form a tuple that
reference a sub-graph(s), within the overall graph(s), from which the
pattern matching algorithm is to initiate its search."

{Note that a set of input ports of size one (though pointing to only one
graph "node") is still a proper 'sub-graph' of the original graph(s).}  

Any reactions?


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